Wells Fargo Innovation Incubator (IN²)

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The Wells Fargo Innovation Incubator   (IN2) is a $30 million program that facilitates the commercialization and adoption of clean energy and agriculture technologies. IN2 is positioned to help companies think about their end customer, providing funding and technical assistance that leverages the capabilities, facilities, equipment and deep expertise that exists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center (Danforth Center).


IN2 is a unique technology incubator and platform funded by the Wells Fargo Foundation and co-administered by NREL. Invited companies receive non-dilutive grants for, assistance to support technology development, testing and validation, field testing ,and ongoing connections to organizations across value chains, including the investment community. IN2 aims to help de-risk technologies and ease the path to market adoption and deployment. Selected early-stage companies are formally invited into the program where they receive up to $250,000 in technical assistance from the laboratory and project related support. Since 2014, five cohorts have been invited to the program, totaling 30 companies. The fifth cohort was selected in April 2019.

IN2 began with a focus on supporting commercial buildings-related clean technologies and startups and has expanded its offering to support multiple cohorts a year with innovations in new sectors such as agriculture, food systems, water conservation, transportation and mobility, and residential buildings with a goal of fostering smart and connected communities of the future. The next cohort will join the program in Fall 2019.